To Colorado! Doug has taken a job in Colorado Springs! He received a call from the Executive Director of the American Numismatic Association asking him to consider the job of Curator/Director of the ANA's Money Museum. After some hard thought, and with Patti and Loren's blessing, Doug decided to take the job. It is a fantastic opportunity for him to do things he has been training for the past 17 years at the Smithsonian. The Money Museum is located at the ANA's Headquarters building and has a staff of four including the Curator. Doug will be moving to Colorado Springs at the end of May (a couple of months ahead of Patti and Loren) to start work on June 1st.
At the end of February, Patti and Doug traveled out to Colorado Springs on a scouting trip to check out potential schools for Loren, job prospects for Patti, and look for the new casa-de-Mudd. Over the course of a long weekend they drove through much of Colorado Springs, found a great school for Loren, and purchased a new home! The home is currently an empty lot - but the home is to be built by Classic Homes and will be completed sometime in the fall (see model above). It is in a great location, approximately 5.5 miles from Doug's new job, with a great view. The new address will be 4613 Julliard Drive, Colorado Springs, 80918. (After September)
The old casa-de-Mudd of 8 years went up for sale on the first week of May after a month of intensive preparation. All the hard work and the renovations of the last two years really paid off as the open-house generated 12 offers - all well above the original asking price! Closing is set for June.
Loren received her first communion at Blessed Sacrament Church on April 17th. She looked radiant in her beautiful white dress! (As you can see here!)
Patti will leave D.C. at the end of July and plans to take a few weeks to leisurely travel out to Colorado. It's possible that Patti will still be working for Pepco, as a contractor from Colorado. Patti has been teasing Doug by telling him that if the Pepco contracting job does not work out, she is just going to stay at home and be a mom (and a bum when Loren is in school). After a week or two of sloth, Patti will probably be anxious to do something productive so we are expecting that she will do an extensive job search in Colorado Springs. Patti is hoping the move will allow her extra time to enjoy life and spend more time with Loren.
Doug finally graduated from George Mason University's graduate program in American history. He can finally get back to reading for fun and relaxing on the weekends! Patti is happy to have her husband back and hopes he will step up and take back his old responsibilities as father and assistant house-cleaner...
Happy Summer!
Loren, Doug and Patti